Monday, January 19, 2009

Rough Weekend

Whew! We are glad to have survived this last weekend! Addie woke up at 5 am on Saturday morning and started puking. Not what we wanted at this house, but we were glad it happened while Greg was able to be here with her. He spent Saturday morning holding her while she puked and cleaning up the mess. I stayed upstairs in bed to try to avoid catching it. I had yet to spend an entire day in the bed- I usually get downstairs to the couch at some point- so it was a loooong day for everyone. Greg was so great with Addie and I was glad he was taking care of her. It killed me not to be there for her. During one of the episodes I sat at the top of the stairs where I could see her, just so I could encourage her through it. Greg just held her most of the day, when he wasn't taking care of me and doing 4 loads of laundry. Anyway, she stopped puking by the afternoon and slowly perked up. She is doing much better now, just showing the residual effects of a tummy bug (which always sets of her reflux for the next 2 weeks). I am so grateful that it hit on the weekend, that Greg is such an amazing dad, and for the Netflix subscription that kept us all entertained all day. :)


DellaRose said...

...tough....praying for you!
Netflix is awesome!

The Kaemingk's said...

Wow ... that sucks. Good thing Greg is such a stud! I hope you start to feel better soon Niki!

Barbara said...

Way to go team!