Friday, January 02, 2009

Week 9

Every Wednesday gives me a reason to celebrate! I am 9 weeks along now; one more week finished. Nothing much has changed physically- still CAN eat, though I'm very picky and the amounts are small. Still very weak (from not eating much) and dizzy (from laying down all day). Oddly enough, the mornings are better than the afternoons and evenings, which gives me the chance to get out of bed, dressed, and downstairs. I am thankful to not be isolated in the bedroom all day.
This last week Greg returned to work, but it turned out he only had to work two days. Our dear friends Dee and Lori helped on Monday and Tuesday, respectively, and they were a blessing and a joy. Good company is good medicine you know! We are in the midst of lining up care for next week- it is Greg's first full week back at work, and I will admit I'm a little nervous for the weeks to come without Greg home. But I have had to choose to trust God to provide all our needs and also I am learning to choose thankfulness throughout each day. I have been so encouraged and strengthened spiritually by a sermon I listened to this last week by John Piper on suffering, and also by reading the book "Because He Loves Me" by Elyse Fitzpatrick.
We've been recieving meals from our neighbors and church family every other night and boy, is that a blessing to Greg. The visits from friends and neighbors are a joy too and a nice distraction. We will keep you updated to any changes. Thanks for all your prayers and support.


Sarah said...

What is involved in helping you & Addie out during the day? I've got Luke with me, but we might be able to spend the day with you here and there (if there's room for Luke's pack'n'play for naptime). Let me know - you can email me if you're interested. :)