Friday, March 28, 2008

Cute Saying of the Week

Last night, after Greg and I had finished our dinner and we were still waiting for Addie to finish, the busy day finally caught up with me and I went to lay down on the couch. Greg stayed in the kitchen with Addie and asked if I'd like a cup of tea (yes, he IS the best). Addie then proceeded to give a running commentary on everything Greg was doing. "Daddy make Mommy tea," "Daddy stir," "Daddy put in honey." Greg finished the tea and was in the process of walking it over to the couch when we heard a squeeky little voice say,
"Here you go, Love."

Evidently, Greg says that regularly, since Addie knew that was what he was about to say (and it WAS exactly what he was about to say). You never know you're predictable until your two-year-old can tell you what you're going to say next.


hkaemingk said...

That is REALLY funny.

DellaRose said... sweet!

Sally said...

So adorable. =)