Wednesday, May 21, 2008

CA Adventure: Pixar Parade

The last big event of our great day at Disney's California Adventure was the Pixar Parade. We are much bigger fans of Pixar than Disney overall, so this was where we saw our favorite characters, some of which Addie actually recognized (because she is oblivious to the whole Disney Princess thing, thank goodness!). However, we've had many a bad reflux night that finds us all on the couch watching "Bug's Life" at 2 am, so....
The Pixar parade was great!
Here's Lightning McQueen who started the parade.
This was Addie's reaction.

This IS her "I like it" face.
Don't be fooled- she's just not the jump around with excitement type.

Some cooks on stilts- pretty cool.
Remmy from Ratatouille! One of our favorites!

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