Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Monsters, Inc.

The Monsters Inc. ride was my favorite part of the whole day! Why? Maybe because we were hot and tired and it involved sitting in the air conditioning. Maybe because I love this movie.
Maybe it was the creatively entertaining signs in the waiting area.
Or riding on a taxi through Monstropolis, seeing Sully wait for Boo in the potty while she's singing that song....
Nope. It was this part. At the very end of the ride, you go past this statue of Roz. I took a picture. Then I heard Roz's voice say "Young lady in the third row, your lens cap is on." I thought it was a recorded thing so I laughed and she says "It's not that funny." Then, as my mouth fell open in shock, she said "Take a picture of my good side."
As our car continued on I heard her harassing the people in the car behind us.
Now that's the stuff that makes me like Disneyland! The unexpected!

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DellaRose said...

i'm telling you it is the unseen disney nomes!