Thursday, May 01, 2008

Better than All Better

Yeah! We have finally won the battle with illness and injury! At least for now, anyway.

Addie and I started feeling better the end of last week, and by the time Greg's mom left on Sunday, we were well on our way back to normal. We were so thankful that Julie stayed as long as she did. She was a huge help in the worst of the sickness, but also it was really helpful to have her around as I needed a few days to get my strength back and be back in the swing of things.

On Sunday, we celebrated by going on a big outing to the nearby park. We had barely left the house in two weeks! After being there for about 30 minutes, Greg stepped barefoot on a bee and back home we went. We now know that Greg is mildly allergic to bee stings and will swell. So poor Greg had to be off his feet for almost 3 full days before the swelling went down enough for him to walk again. (Incidentally, this same EXACT thing happened to Niki on our first anniversary).

But now, we really are better. In fact, we are better than better, because Addie has really come out of feeling crummy and the last two days she has been... electric. It is really hard to find a word to explain the little firecracker she has been. She has been talking almost non-stop, is super-silly, and saying the FUNNIEST things ever. Last night after being kissed by mommy before bed she informed me that she was going to "wipe all the kisses off" her face. She also brought a blanket to me this morning and asked me to make her into a super-hero. Well, we've NEVER talked about wiping kisses off or super-heroes, so I don't know where this stuff is coming from. We will start taking fun pictures again soon and post something besides words- I promise!


Becky Frame said...

Yay!!!! Praise the Lord!! My prayers have been answered!

DellaRose said...

this is the kind of nonsense that comes from living with lots of little boys in the front yard is what I am guessing...I wish I could blame it on having a cool Auntie Ruth...but alas I have not yet had the "superhero" talk yet...