Friday, January 18, 2008

A Postponement in Moving... We Think?

Some of you will read this post and be very happy. Some of you will read this post and be disappointed. We actually feel somewhere in the middle about this information.

It seems we will not be going to Dallas as soon as we had hoped.

Last week Greg emailed his boss for permission to start applying for jobs in Dallas again. This is a step the company insists on before you are allowed to apply for a transfer position- you have to have your supervisor's approval. This is to make sure that the company doesn't hurt itself by allowing a transfer- having someone leave a spot and leave someone else in the lurch. So... he asked. He has done this several times before and it was never a problem, so we figured it wouldn't be a problem this time. Guess not!

His boss emailed back a no. We were surprised to say the least! Now, before you go calling Greg's boss a bunch of names, he gave some understandable reasons for his no.

#1 He doesn't have anyone to replace Greg. Last time we asked, Greg's part-time guy was well trained and would have been almost ready to take over in Greg's place. Since then, he's moved on and a newer, less-experienced guy is in his place. So Greg's boss would be left in a tight spot without anyone to take Greg's position.

#2 He reminded Greg of a commitment we had made last August to stay in this spot for a year. Quite frankly, and to our shame, we hadn't even remembered this commitment until he brought it up. Greg's boss said he'd be willing to release us from the commitment if someone was available, but since there isn't, he wants us to carry it through. We want to stand by our word and honor our commitment, so that's what we'll do!

In the meantime, if Greg's boss finds someone to take his spot, Greg would be free to apply for openings in the Dallas area. But we're not counting on it. Our hunch is that if he isn't forced to, Greg's boss would rather not spend extra energy to find a replacement for Greg before he absolutely has to. So, most likely we're staying put until August at the very earliest.

This is definitely a change in plans for us. We were really hoping to be able to transfer to Dallas sometime this Spring. But we know God has good plans and we want to follow those, not ours. We have said all along that we only want to go to Dallas if that is where the Lord wants us. So if it isn't for now, and He wants us here, then we will be here happily! We know God has a great plan for us being here for this time and look forward to seeing what it is!

We plan to enjoy Southern California to it's fullest, so you can look forward to more blog posts about fun adventures here!


The Spaids said...

Yes, a little sad you won't be closer, but by all means make sure you honor your commitment. As long as you move a lttle closer before we give in and move back to the PNW (like that will happen).

Laura said...

Well I guess I've been really out of the loop... I hadn't even realized you were planning on moving! Makes me think we need to get together!!! E-mail me at and we'll find a time.
Also, perhaps, if you wouldn't mind, could you change your link to my blog to omit our last name? We're just a little extra cautious with Dan's job and all =). Thanks!