Tuesday, December 11, 2007

more wedding pictures

What a wedding miracle! Addie fell asleep on Greg's shoulder a few minutes before the ceremony began and slept soundly through the whole thing! Knowing the wedding was taking place right at her nap time, we were a little nervous that she'd be a tired little pill, but she did great! Thank you Lord!

Here's me and Kim's other bridesmaid, Cori Lewis

Greg MC'd the reception and, as usual, did a wonderful job. If you've never witnessed the transformation in Greg when a microohone is placed in his hands, it's really something to behold. A lot of the Washington folks have seen little more of Greg than the quiet, hunky guy that follows Niki around patiently, so it was fun for me to have people see him shine.

Addie did a little eating and socializing at the reception, when we could get her to stop saying "NO" to everyone. This is a new habit since our arrival in Washington, and we're NOT fond of it. Definitely something to work on when we get home!


kimi said...

GREG IS THE MAN!!!Thanks again!

DellaRose said...

greg is great, i need his help, tell him to check his work e-mail!

oh, and yeah God for making kids sleep!

her elf pic looks a little young...is it old?

niki you definately are the best performing elf...sorry i am too lazy to go comment in the right entry...oh well

oh and on KRON4 at 8 tonnight on the doctor phil show catch a glimpse of Mary Smith and all the stuff she got for having her house burned down!