Friday, December 21, 2007

Addie's Birthday at Noah's Ark

On Addie's actual birthday, we took her to see Noah's Ark at the Skirball Cultural Center. We thought seeing two of everything was appropriate for her second birthday after all!
Well, a little more about the Skirball center: this is a Jewish center that's about 30 minutes south of us. We'd heard a little about the ark and thought it would be fun, but nothing prepared us for what we saw there. The ark was AMAZING! We had such a great time! The exhibit is aimed at kids, and well designed for all ages and interests.

Here's Greg and Addie in front of the ark, between two camels.

On the floor where they were standing, it says:

Here's a closer shot

And Addie and I in front of a wall of rain
Everything was so great, but we had one little (OK, big) dislike. In talking about the ark and the animals, there wasn't any credit given to God for this amazing thing He did! When the guides talk about the lion and lamb dwelling together peacefully, they credited it to them "learning from each other's differences" and finding peace with each other. I don't think so! How silly is that!
Clearly, the ark was a miracle in so many ways- that God helped one family build this huge amazing vessel, that the animals came to board the ark, that God caused them to dwell peacefully with one another while on board, and best of all- that God had mercy on a sinful world and provided a way of escape for mankind!
We can't help but think at Christmas time about God's other gift that saved mankind- His Son, sent to die for our sins and provide the way for us to have fellowship with God. What a merciful God we serve!

So if you're local, and want to go see the ark, we would highly recommend it. But just a little warning that you'll need to talk to your children beforehand about the junk the museum people are going to tell them. :)

Read on and be amazed at the ark!
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markandjesss said...

What a fun place to go visit! I'm gonna have to get the details about this place from you.