Sunday, December 16, 2007

Wedding Pictures- Final installment

We wish we had taken more pictures at my sister's wedding to show you, but we were pretty busy and no one had a free hand for the camera!

Here is the front of the room used for the ceremony. Imagine the lights down low and all the candles lit. It was very pretty. The two trees were not fakes, but real, and I got to stand up front next to them and smell them through the whole ceremony. Wonderful!
Here are about a gajillion votive candles my sister made as favors. She etched the snowflakes on them herself. Yes, she IS crazy. :)
Here are about a gajillion cupcakes that the guests enjoyed . My mom's friend from highschool, Verna, made them. They were chocolate with raspberry filling and the best buttercream icing on top ever!
Here is Greg, who wrangled the toddler all day while I did my bridesmaidy things, who deserves a gajillion thanks.

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Tony & Kirsten said...

Seriously, how many times can you use the word "gajillion" in one post? I double dog dare you to top that one!

kimi said...

I want the pic of the votives, that is AWESOME!